Friday, September 12, 2008


Kroatien ist ein kleines Land, das zwischen Ungarn, Slowenien, Montenegro und Bosnien einfaßt. Zwar nicht so berühmt wie ihre größeren Gegenstücke des europäischen Landes, Kroatien ist mit seinen schönen Ländern und Mittelmeergefühl definitiv mindestens einmal zu besuchendes eins.

Wenn Besuchskroatien, warum nicht beginnen mit eins der berühmtesten Touristenattraktion die Plitvice Seen Nationalpark nannte, ein UNESCO-Welterbeaufstellungsort. Diese Seen, gelegen zwischen Zagreb und Zadar sind definitiv wert den Besuch, wie sogar gerade die Abbildungen selbst atemberaubend scheinen.

Der Plitvice Nationalpark gibt 16 Seen um, geteilt als die 12 oberen Seen und 4 unterere Seen. Alle Seen sind jedoch für ihre unterscheidenden Farben und Änderungen alle während des Jahres berühmt und schwanken zwischen Babyblau am Smaragdgrün und sogar graulich, abhängig von dem Licht und den Mineralien. Gehen Sie oder nehmen Sie Wanderungen in dem reizenden Park und Gitterwerk nicht wenn Sie hungrig sich fühlen oder wie die Nacht dort verbringen als 3 Hotels sich fühlen, Gaststätten und kleine NahrungsmittelKioske werden leicht für Ihre Bequemlichkeit gefunden.

Ein anderer Platz oder gut, Stadt in diesem Fall, zu besuchen würde Dubrovnik sein. Viele erklären Ihnen von ihren Erfahrungen hier, dass diese historische Stadt hier einer der Edelsteine der Adria ist. Das beste zu besuchende Teil würde Dubrovniks alte Stadt, mit seinen schönen gepflasterten Marmorfußböden und cobbled Straßen sein. Weg entlang den Wänden und erblicken die Schönheit der Stadt von 25m oben und stellen fest, warum die Einheimischen den Ausdruck „, wenn Sie Himmel auf Erde sehen möchten, kommen nach Dubrovnik“ sport.

Gerade ein wenig herauf Norden von Dubrovnik liegt die Stadt der Spalte, die die folgende Anziehungskraft hält, die wert einen Besuch wohl ist. Der des Diocletians Palast, gelegen nach rechts im Herzen der Stadt ist zusammen mit den anderen 2 erwähnten Anziehungskräften, ein UNESCO-Welterbeaufstellungsort. Innerhalb der Wände des Palastes sind selbst die cobbled Durchgänge, Wohnwohnungen, moderne Geschäfte und die Gaststätten, die vom lokalen Kalkstein gebildet werden, römische Relikte und die erstaunliche Kathedrale. Der des Diocletians Palast hat, der „Stadt innerhalb einer Stadt“ Gefühl zu ihm, aber es überhaupt reizend sind und fügt einer anderen Seite Kroatiens im Geschichtsbuch hinzu.

Während Sie in der Spalte sind, nehmen Sie die Zeit, die zweitgrösste Stadt in Kroatien und Kopf in Richtung zum archäologischen Museum an zu erforschen außerdem, wenn Sie ein Geliebter der Museen sind. Dieses Museum ist in Kroatien das älteste und es zeigt viele Kunstprodukte von den prähistorischen Zeiten, vom frühen mittelalterlichen Alter und vom griechischen Kolonialzeitraum an. Wenn Sie einige Tage an Hand haben, mieten Sie ein Auto und Kopf für Brela Strand, ein 15km fahren weg. Wählte den besten Strand in Europa, können keine Wörter die Schönheit wirklich beschreiben, wenn Sie das kristallene Wasser sehen, die Küstenlinien und die Buchten einzuhüllen

Monday, September 8, 2008

About Croatia

Croatia in Europe

Croatia is a little country which borders between Hungary, Slovenia, Montenegro and Bosnia. Though not as famous as their bigger European country counterparts, Croatia is one to definitely visit at least once with its beautiful lands and Mediterranean feel.

When visiting Croatia, why not start at one of the most famous tourist attraction called the Plitvice Lakes National Park, a UNESCO world heritage site. These lakes, located between Zagreb and Zadar are definitely worth the visit, as even just the pictures themselves seem breathtaking.

The Plitvice National Park encompasses 16 lakes, divided as the 12 upper lakes and 4 lower lakes. All the lakes however are renowned for their distinctive colours and changes all throughout the year, varying between baby blue to emerald green and even greyish, depending on the light and minerals. Walk or take hikes throughout the lovely park and fret not if you feel hungry or feel like spending the night there as 3 hotels, restaurants and small food kiosks are found easily for your convenience.

Another place, or well, city in this case, to visit would be Dubrovnik. Many will tell you from their experiences here that this historic city here is one of the gems of the Adriatic. The best part to visit would be Dubrovnik's old city, with its beautiful marble paved floors and cobbled streets. Walk along the walls and behold the beauty of the city from 25m up and realise why the locals sport the term "if you want to see heaven on earth, come to Dubrovnik".

Just a little bit up north of Dubrovnik lies the city of Split which holds the next attraction that's well worth a visit. The Diocletian's Palace, located right in the heart of the city is together with the other 2 mentioned attractions, a UNESCO world heritage site. Within the walls of the palace itself are cobbled alleyways, residential apartments, modern shops and restaurants made from local limestone, roman relics and the stunning cathedral. The Diocletian's Palace has that "city within a city" feel to it, but it's ever charming and adds to another page in Croatia's history book.

While you're in split, take the time to explore the second largest city in Croatia and head on toward the Archaeological Museum as well if you're a lover of museums. This museum is the oldest in Croatia and it displays many artifacts from prehistoric times, early medieval ages and the Greek colonial period. If you have a few days on hand, rent a car and head for Brela Beach, a 15km drive away. Voted the best beach in Europe, no words can truly describe the beauty when you see the crystalline waters lap the shorelines and coves.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Suggested Croatia Itineraries And When To Go

Your itinerary will differ according to your interests, when you travel and mainly how much time you have at your disposal. Before you plan a tour that includes boat travel, I sincerely suggest you to check the latest available Jadrolinija (Croatian ferry company) schedule to be sure that there is a boat to the destination you want to go. Keep in mind that there are two schedules, the winter and summer and they can vary to certain destinations. ( For example: Hvar island (Stari Grad) has five times ferry a day connections to Split in summer period, while during the winter period, only three times a day)

The Costal Route Due to the fact that Croatia has a spectacular 1.104 miles coastline and 1185 islands , I suggest to chose the boat as the best way to explore Croatia coast. Your costal route can start from Rijeka all the way to Dubrovnik, stopping at the many islands and cities. This is one of the greatest journeys in Central Europe. Take advantage of Jadrolinija ferries to stop on the way to Dubrovnik to different cities and small fishermen villages.

If you happened to land to Zagreb, spend few days there visiting museums and the historic old town, than head to the coast (There are excellent bus connections to the coast). Before leaving for your cruises to Dalmatian coast, stop to Istria , maybe Rovinj and Porec. On the way to south parth of the Adriatic coast, your boat may stop to Dugi Otok (Long island) before arriving to Zadar, where you can spend few days visiting islands like Pag or small picturesque island Ugljan. Proceed to Split where you should spend couple of days visiting Diocletian's emperor Split town. From there with very frequent ferry boats (keep in mind of the season) visit islands Brac (Bol) and Hvar (Hvar and Stari Grad towns). Don't forget to visit nearby historic Trogir, only half an hour bus drive from Split.

You can continue your journey from Hvar, without returning to Split to Korcula island, visiting this small town, often called (small Dubrovnik). From there next day, proceed to Dubrovnik your inevitable destination, which will put the finishing touch to your Croatia's journey.

Planning when to go

April to September is a great time to visit Croatia. The sea temperature in April is not suitable for swimming but you will enjoy warm and clear skies south of Split and specially on Hvar and Korcula islands. Accommodation prices are low but don't forget that many hotels and camps will be still closed.

May and June are the great months to enjoy Croatia. These months are excellent for all kinds of outdoor activities. Italian and German tourists have yet to arrive, prices are still reasonable and most of the hotels, hostels and camps are opened.

July and August are the most expensive months to visit Croatia The places like Krk, Istria, Rab, Bol, Hvar, Korcula and Dubrovnik can become unpleasantly crowded. The advantage of these months, considered "high season" are the additional boat lines that gives you possibility to visit other small places and islands, far from those over crowded destinations.

I personally consider September the best month to explore Croatia. It's not so hot, the prices are at least 30 % lower and the crowds are almost finished as children return to school. This is the month of fruits like figs and grapes. October is sometimes too cool for camping but the weather could be still pleasant for cruising and the private rooms are available everywhere and reasonably priced.

I hope this short Croatia's itinerary map will be at least of some help for all those visitors setting up vacations in Croatia (Hrvatska) this or years to come.

Accomodation in Croatia

Are you planning to visit Croatia? It is the one of the exciting destination in Europe. There are many things which should be considered by a traveller before visiting Croatia. You can travel to Croatia in many ways. You can take a flight if you are not a resident of Europe. The country can also be visited by bus or train if you are living in an Italian country like Italy.

As Croatia is a popular destination you can find lots of apartments, hotels, holiday resorts, villas and houses. There are many options for accommodation but private but I would recommend you to opt for private apartments. They provide high quality living place at affordable prices. Almost every apartment owner wants that a tourist should live with them at least 2-3 days. You can book these apartments online by paying a small reservation fee in advance. There are several websites and blogs which provide lots of information about these apartments. The rate of the apartment depends on the luxury status and location. The apartment you are choosing should be at a good location. It is a good idea to choose the one near the city center.

You should plan every thing in advance. You should fix your budget as it can help you in saving some time and money. Make the list of things which you will ned on your way. You should have enough information about the cities you are planning to travel. There are many websites which provide essential information about Croatia as a travel destination.

Visitng Croatia

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If you are planning to visit Croatia, you may wonder if is worth the costs and challenges. Visiting another country (read Croatia or Hrvatska) can reward you in many ways but you will definitely run into situations you would not face at home. This specially regards USA tourists.

Here are some points to consider when you think about visiting Croatia:

What is there for me?


There is always something special to visit a country where history happened and left the deepest traces. Croatia is definitely the country where history has preserved many Greek and Roman ruins like famous Diocletian palace in Split or Pula amphitheatre, medieval walled cities like "eternal town of Dubrovnik or Korcula town on the same name island.

World Cultures

Some travellers prefer to immerse themselves in another culture, trying everything from local foods, visiting local grocery, open-air markets, take walks in unusual places, experience festivals or local traditional ceremonies. Croatia is the right place for this, just to mention Split town fish market or one of the many local summer fruits and vegetables markets on one of the many islands. Don't miss Split and Dubrovnik summer festivals or famous "Moreska" battle game on Korcula town.

Food Adventure

For some vacationers, it's all about the food. You might want to sample all the dishes you have seen or you have heard. I am sure you will like the Croatian cuisine, specially the one along the coast, a typical Mediterranean, very similar to Italian with one exceptions: Pasta is not the first and the most important meal. Fresh fish , fresh vegetable, lamb meat (try the island Pag lamb) , smoked ham , Pag island cheese and very good local red and white wine.

Dream Destinations

Perhaps Croatia has not jet become your dream destination but if you want to visit a "New Tuscany" or a "Small Venice" on the other side of the Adriatic Sea than you should visit Hrvatska.

Learning Experiences

Combining travel with learning experiences can keep your brain as healthy as the rest of your body, and it will be a fun to find out that Croatia is the country where "the necktie or kravata" has been introduced for the first time. Did you know that Croatia is the homeland of the first fountain pen, invented by Slavoljub Pankala. You will find out that the parachute was invented by Faust Vrancic.......

Wonders of the World

Visiting Croatia you will not see any of New 7 Wonders of the World but you will be definitely delighted by Croatia's Wonders like Dubrovnik "The pearl of the Adriatic" , Diocletian Palace in Split , Trogir and Sibenik cathedrals, Pula's amphitheatre, Saint Donate in Zadar.

Family Connections

Many travellers decide to visit their ancestors' homeland on their first trip abroad. Genealogy is an extremely popular hobby, and there's nothing quite like doing your research on-scene. You might see the buildings your ancestors lived and worked in. Perhaps you'll meet a distant cousin. Finding new information about your ancestors and immersing yourself in their culture will add new dimensions to your family history research.

What problems could you encounter?

Language Difficulties

Learning a few words in Croatian language can be a intimidating experience. But you should not worry because English language is very common in Croatia specially in hotels. If language barriers bother you, but you'd still like to visit Croatia, consider travelling with a tour group.

Increased Cost

Croatia is not expensive as other tourist destinations like Italy, France or Spain. The capital city, Zagreb, is equally expensive for lodging and parking as any other EU capital. Food is still cheaper then elsewhere and better than most. You will find that rates for a holiday in Croatia are very reasonable and more economical at this time than in other places in the world.


It is quite safe to travel all over Croatia and mugging and thefts are not a problem. You can safely walk in any town at night, but use your common sense, as always.

Passport Problems

You do need a passport to enter Croatia but you do not need entrance visa.